Monday, October 31, 2011

People have no skillz - that's right, with an effin z

Ok, candidate I interviewed this morning.  Here's some free advice, from me to you.  If you live in IDAHO, and you work for one of those loan places that loans up to 3K in unsecured cashola out to people with no credit and no business taking out loans, and you work on a green screen DOS based system, and you only have a high school degree and are making 45K base and a total of 70K a year with commission - STAY THE FUCK PUT!  DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB! 

Seriously.  Don't roll in my office with some story about how you wanted to move and are hoping to make the same kind of money here but will settle for 50K a year, telling me a story about how you can't use Word or Excel or motherfuckin GOOGLE because, well, you been blowing up some green screen dot matrix printer shit for the last 16 YEARS at Shadyloancompany Inc.  Seriously.  I almost laughed in her face and told her to get on the phone and beg for her job back.

Oh, also, I failed to mention, she had one of those 1992 T-Boz from TLC haircuts, you know, long in the front, super short in the back?  Also, Shadyloancompany Inc.  apparently didn't have dental insurance.  Just sayin.  And she smokes.

Beeeeotch, please.  I can put lawyers to work around here, all day every damn day of the week for $15 bucks an hour.  Though, it should be noted, those bastards don't know Excel, either.

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