Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Back to our regularly scheduled programming....

www.anthonybergen.com.  Mothereffing genius:

Possible Blasphemy
I saw something today about how people are outraged that E! spent $17 million on Kim Kardashian’s 72-day-long marriage, and how that money could have been spent to help a lot of people. It’s absolutely true, and I totally agree, but the person to blame isn’t Kim Kardashian. It’s the people who watch her TV shows, buy her shitty products, and snap up every magazine that she’s on the cover on just because she’s got a tremendous ass, made a sex tape, and is the daughter of the guy who probably hid O.J.’s knife for him (ALLEGEDLY).
But forget about Kim Kardashian and E! and that $17 million for a second. Actually, don’t forget about it — keep it in your mind as we make a comparison.
Do you realize that Avatar cost nearly $500 million to produce and promote? FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS. That’s a half-billion dollars. Sure, Kim Kardashian and E! could have fed a lot of hungry people and paid a lot of tuition for college students, but the money spent creating Avatar — which was basically a metaphor for American mistreatment of Native Americans/indictment of industrial greed and imperialism and the Iraq War/love story of the environment/and a little bit of aliens crossed with Smurfs — could have pretty much solved the economic crisis.
So, yeah, you’re an asshole if you give attention and business to E! and Kim Kardashian, but you’re an even bigger asshole if you bought a ticket or DVD for Avatar. The point I’m trying to make is this: the problem isn’t the 1%, it’s the 99%. The problem is US. We have all of power necessary to change these things, but we don’t.

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