Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Soup. It's what's for dinner!

Southern Belle Secrets

There's a new man....

that's right.  I said man.  Not boy.  Not adolescent.  But like, an honest to goodness fucking MAN!

This one has potential.  Stay tuned for updates on him.

In the meantime, I think tomorrow may be a perfect day to introducer The Big Finisher!

Yeah, if you have heard any of this nightmare, you know what's coming to ya, cupcakes!

You ain't been in love....

If you haven’t contemplated murder, you ain’t been in love. If you haven’t held a can of rat poison in your hand and looked at it for forty-five minutes straight, you ain’t been in love. And the only thing that’s stopped you from killing this motherfucker was a episode of CSI: ‘Oh man, they thorough. I better make up. They might catch my ass.’
— Chris Rock

Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Christmahannaqwanzakah

Or whatever the hell you celebrate.  I hope you receive all the gifts you want, and if you don't, I hope you earn enough to buy them yourself.  Because charity starts at home, loves.  And don't forget, Jack Daniels has been helping people cope with the holidays, since 1866.

Merry Christmas - Love - RG

Words of Wisdom

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Southern Belle Secrets!

THIS is why I am over the Fireman

Listen. With cell phones, text messaging, instant messaging, Facebook messaging, Skype, etc etc etc, “I’m too busy” just isn’t an excuse, especially when it happens repeatedly. You’re not being needy, you’re not making it up in your head, but you are getting the blowoff.
I’ve been waiting to share this story, and this is a perfect opportunity: My girlfriend is dating a guy who travels all over the world for work, for weeks at a time. Recently, I asked how that was going and she said he’d been texting her from Antarctica. ANTARCTICA.
If someone wants to make the effort, he will, and that’s the truth. Text messages are the minimal effort someone should give, and if he can’t, it’s because he doesn’t feel like it.

Thank you for stating the obvious, BBlove.  I needed that.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I want you to show meeeeeeee.....

I had a late night.  Or an early morning, depending on how you look at it.  Let's suffice it to say, it involved a few fun people, multiple bars and ended with us closing a strip club.  Now let's just be clear, I love a strip club!  Those are some hardworking ladies!  I made a friend last night, I think her name is Amber, but she tells people it's Asa, but I think she told me her "not dancer name" because I can keep a secret (clearly).  Anyway, Amber/Asa and I slow danced on the stage, 8th grade style and including a few twirls of each other around - her in a skimpy outfit, me in my clothes - to Foreigner "I want to know what love is".  Then she took my business card, and she told me she would take me horseback riding next week cuz I'm "super adorable".  I'm pretty certain she is going to be my new bff. I'm just hoping we have the same shoe size, because I have zero heels that are clear.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I'm thinking of joining - because 1 in 5 relationships starts online....

Just sayin!

Thanks, once again, to the nice guys who roofied my friend and I at the Pac 12 Championship game.  It was super fun, you waste of human life.  Go fuck yourself.

Back to our regularly scheduled programming....  Mothereffing genius:

Possible Blasphemy
I saw something today about how people are outraged that E! spent $17 million on Kim Kardashian’s 72-day-long marriage, and how that money could have been spent to help a lot of people. It’s absolutely true, and I totally agree, but the person to blame isn’t Kim Kardashian. It’s the people who watch her TV shows, buy her shitty products, and snap up every magazine that she’s on the cover on just because she’s got a tremendous ass, made a sex tape, and is the daughter of the guy who probably hid O.J.’s knife for him (ALLEGEDLY).
But forget about Kim Kardashian and E! and that $17 million for a second. Actually, don’t forget about it — keep it in your mind as we make a comparison.
Do you realize that Avatar cost nearly $500 million to produce and promote? FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS. That’s a half-billion dollars. Sure, Kim Kardashian and E! could have fed a lot of hungry people and paid a lot of tuition for college students, but the money spent creating Avatar — which was basically a metaphor for American mistreatment of Native Americans/indictment of industrial greed and imperialism and the Iraq War/love story of the environment/and a little bit of aliens crossed with Smurfs — could have pretty much solved the economic crisis.
So, yeah, you’re an asshole if you give attention and business to E! and Kim Kardashian, but you’re an even bigger asshole if you bought a ticket or DVD for Avatar. The point I’m trying to make is this: the problem isn’t the 1%, it’s the 99%. The problem is US. We have all of power necessary to change these things, but we don’t.